It's almost the weekend, and one of our favourite ways to spend Date Night is cuddles on the couch with our favourite boy and a movie marathon! It's the perfect way to get to know each other a little bit better. So stock up on some wine, chocolate and one or more of these films:
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
For one of those intellectually stimulating and soul connecting evenings where you'll stay up 'til the wee hours of the morning discussing life... as you know it.
Annie Hall
This is the Date Night staple that puts the comedy in romance! It's neurotic and adorable and full of fabulous fashion moments!
When Harry Met Sally
No such list can exist without including this classic. It's cute, it's sassy and it's the ultimate insight in attempting to understand the opposite sex.
Jerry Maguire
"You had me at Hello." - Do we even need to say any more? And it's got Tom Cruise at the top of his hotness game.
500 Days of Summer
This indie-fave is as hipster cute as it gets! It made being a bit of a nerd totally adorkable! Bonus: it's got a totally mood music soundtrack!
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
The movie that got Brangelina together! And their chemistry just sizzles off the screen. Plus it's an action-flick so you get brownie points with your boy!
Pulp Fiction
Director Quentin Tarantino's crime thriller masterpiece, this is a total "guy movie" that your boo will adore you for watching with him.
Love Actually
The epitome of romance is captured with this spectacular cast that includes Hugh Grant and Colin Firth! Your date is sure to learn some tips on how to woo you!
Dirty Dancing
It's hot, it's sexy and it's gonna have you both wanting to recreate some of those moves. Nobody puts Baby in a corner!
The Avengers
The best part about watching a movie that you know has many sequels is that he's gonna wanna come over for Round Two!
So for your next Movie Date Night... bake some delicious cookies, light some scented candles and put on some irresistible Rhea Baubles!